Osteopaths don’t just treat backs!

Scroll through the FAQs we get asked by our patients and learn a little about what they mean.

*Please note* All content within this page is provided for general information only and should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your own doctor or any other health care professional. Please make an appointment for a full personalised assessment and health screen. 


+ Why does my shoulder hurt at night?

There are many causes of night pain, some that need assessing especially if this is not relieved by changing position in bed. Often, certain positions can compress our shoulder, such as sleeping on our side or front which can make the pain worse. Also, if the pain is due to inflammation, this can build up over night when we don’t move our joints.

+ Why can’t I do my bra-strap up?

Doing up our bra-strap (in the conventional way!) requires our shoulders to undergo a lot of rotation - a movement that our shoulders don’t always like, particularly if we have an injury or restriction in the area. Osteopathic treatment can help to identify the cause of the restriction and help improve the mobility. We will also give you alternative ways to get yourself fastened whilst the movement is improving!