Osteopaths don’t just treat backs!

Scroll through the FAQs we get asked by our patients and learn a little about what they mean.

*Please note* All content within this page is provided for general information only and should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your own doctor or any other health care professional. Please make an appointment for a full personalised assessment and health screen.


+ Why do my knees hurt going up and down stairs?

There are a number of different reasons why our knees may hurt going up and down stairs and vary greatly depending on where on our knee it hurts. One reason is due to damage to ligaments inside our knees that stop our bones from slipping. Another reason is due to wear in the cartilage that covers our bones, or may be due to something as simple as tight muscles in our thighs. Your Osteopath will assess these causes and identify the cause of your pain.

+ Why does my knee “give way”?

The causes of knees ‘giving way’ varies greatly depending on many factors such as age, sporting activity and the absence/involvement of trauma. The knee is a complex joint and many parts can be responsible such as loose bodies in the joint, damage to the joint surfaces or ligament tears etc. Your osteopath will assess the different structures that make up your knee and identify the cause of the giving way.